Session 4
Prof. Günther Schuh
Keynote: Sustainable Productivity
Prof. Günther Schuh
Keynote: Sustainable Productivity
Prof. Christian Brecher
Keynote: Data Sciences in Production
Dr. Rawina Varandani
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Dr. Markus Bergholz
KOSTAL Kontakt Systeme GmbH
Industrial Employability: Sustainable People Empowerment with the Smart Expert MOOC
Dr. Gregor Kappmeyer
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG
Functional and Ecological Backtracing of Process Chains – A Model- and Data-based Approach
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maaß
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)
Monetization of Manufacturing Data to Increase Ecological Efficiency
Prof. Dr. Reiner Kurzhals
Westphalia DataLab GmbH
Predictive Quality - Data Analytics for Increasing Corporate Sustainability
Dr. Dr. Markus Zeis
MTU Aero Engines AG
New Business Models for Machine Tools
Dr. Sebastian Gottschalk
Beiersdorf AG
Worldwide Lab - Sustainable Productivity Increase through Networked Learning
Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Jürgen Prokop
formerly CEO Machine Tools, TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG
Sustainability Through a Holistic View of Flexible Sheet Metal Processing