The hosts introduce themselves
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bergs
Holder of the Chair of Manufacturing Technology at the WZL and Head of the Process Technology department at the Fraunhofer IPT
„Cross-faculty, it is important for us to understand what is required to realize the vision of a completely digitized and connected production in industries.”
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Brecher
Holder of the Chair of Machine Tools at the WZL and Head of the Production Machinery department at the Fraunhofer IPT
„To turn data into value, we need to combine cross-functional information and provide access to expert knowledge through fast calculating models.“
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Schmitt
Holder of the Chair of Production Metrology and Quality Management at the WZL and Head of the Production Quality and Metrology department at the Fraunhofer IPT
„The main challenge is not only to present technical solutions, but also to embed them in the context of society as a whole.”
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Günther Schuh
Holder of the Chair of Production Engineering at the WZL and Head of Technology Management department at the Fraunhofer IPT
„Data-based, digital connectivity now enables us to know exactly what the individual customer really needs. This means that digital connectivity can be the enabling factor for the sustainable shaping of our society.”
The Fraunhofer IPT combines knowledge and experience from all areas of production technology. Located in Aachen, we offer customers and partners applied research and development for networked, adaptive production. We do not only understand production in its individual steps, but also consider the entirety of the processes and the interconnections among various elements of the process chain. Our range of services is oriented towards the current challenges of specific industries, technologies and product areas such as tool and mold making, the optical industry, turbomachinery manufacturing, life sciences engineering and lightweight production technology.
For more than 100 years, the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) at RWTH Aachen University has been renowned for pioneering research and successful innovations in the field of production technology worldwide. Led by the four professors Thomas Bergs, Christian Brecher, Robert Schmitt and Günther Schuh, the WZL conducts research on the sustainable design of production in high-wage countries within six areas: production technology, machine tools, production systems, transmission technology, production metrology and quality management. In cooperation with industry partners from various sectors, the WZL develops solutions for a broad range of production related topics in publicly funded as well as bilateral projects.