Worldwide Lab
Guaranteed Productivity Increase through Networked Learning
The majority of manufacturing companies have distributed their added value globally in order to react more quickly to local market conditions, shorten delivery times and avoid trade barriers. This results in networks with a large number of different production sites, with the challenge of managing these as best as possible in uncertain and fast-moving markets. Today’s production networks are often characterized by local optimization with historically grown structures, without a cross-location networking of knowledge and resources. The potentially available “knowledge of crowds” cannot be used in production networks, which means that performance potential is not fully exploited.
This expert lecture will show how significant productivity potentials can be raised by cross-location and data-based networking. Furthermore, fields of action for the implementation of the Internet of Production are shown for learning in the network through collaboration between employees and data-based assistance systems. In addition to the availability and connection of Smart Data, it is also important what changes in the organizational structure and culture are necessary to enable employee networking in a Worldwide Lab.